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[àreum. beau] Facial Cleansing Powder 海藻3合1 潔面.磨砂.面膜


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以南韓濟州島的海藻粉末為皇者成分,糅合多種高效香薰精油及陶土,一次過帶來三款產品的功效。能深層淨化潔淨、調節油脂分泌,溫和清除厚重角質及頑固黑頭,杜絕暗瘡粉刺。有助擊退暗啞、粗糙及多餘油光,令肌膚啞緻明亮,清爽潔淨,讓你重現年輕活力光澤的健康肌膚。 在家中也能享受專業的淨膚及肌膚的排毒療程,適合每天使用。 用法: 【濕用(潔面/磨砂)】:約1茶匙,加入數滴清水或日常潔面產品,於濕潤的雙手混和直至轉化成糊狀,然後以打圈的方式在濕潤的面部及頸部輕輕按摩。以獲得更佳效果,將其放置約1分鐘然後沖洗乾淨。 【乾用(面膜)】取適量加入數滴保加利亞玫瑰水及女神精華油,並混和直至轉化成糊狀。避開眼部肌膚,均勻塗抹於面上,如敷面膜般,等待10分鐘,徹底沖洗。每星期使用1~2次。 容量:60克 [FACIAL CLEANSING POWDER] Our 3-in-1 Facial Cleansing Powder gives you three products in one to help battle roughness and to provide a renewed skin for you. Directions: When used as a cleanser or scrub, activate a teaspoon amount of the product with a few drops of water or your regular cleanser on the palm and blend it into a paste. Massage gently with circular motion on damp face and neck, for better results, leave it on for 1 minute and rinse off. The product removes impurities and excess oil; the exfoliants unclog pores to leave skin feeling smoother than ever. When applied as a mask, blend it into a paste with few drops of our Bulgarian Rose Water and Goddess’s Serum. Leave it on for 10 minutes and rise it off. The drying clay deeply cleanses and mattifies and helps maintain clearer healthy looking skin.

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