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購物滿 HKD 780.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 本地送貨、本地取貨、國際送貨 )

購物滿 HKD 780.00即享免運費優惠!(適用於 國際送貨 )

天然火山岩擴香石組 Volcanic Stone Diffuser



Terjual: 10


集擴香、吸濕丶淨化空氣於一身。可以Keep住循環再用😍! 天然火山岩石,礦物含量高並且全天然成份,獨特的微小氣孔有利吸收及揮發香薰氣味。 火山石還可以吸濕以及淨化空氣。 使用方法: 將火山石從布袋拿出 放入擴香罐內 按照個人喜好排序疊起 滴上數滴精油 放置於需要地方(衣櫃、鞋櫃、廁所、車、床頭、枱頭等等),讓香氣自然散發。 ⚠️應避免帶香薰油的火山石接觸其他物料 火山岩石可以重複使用: 📌擴香石有許多小毛細孔,透過表面毛細孔吸收水氣,調節內外濕度,進而達到擴香效果。 當擴香石內的濕度高於空氣時,就會排出水氣,香味就會隨之擴散出來。 📌如不用換香味,只需每個月舖平曬太陽一日,保持吸濕效果。需打開蓋用。 📌當香氣散盡,只要十數滴香薰精油滴在火山岩石上,就能享受自己喜歡的氣味。 📌當內部濕度低於空氣時,會從空氣中吸收水氣,使香氛無法有效揮發出來,這時候就在表面噴點水就能讓香氣瀰漫開來哦! 📌 如要更換香氛的味道,只需要將擴香石浸泡在水中2-3個小時,再拿出來晾乾,就可以重新加入新的香味 簡約的包裝設計,打開後散發著令人嚮往的氣息。 火山石擴香組含:簡約黑色布袋一個、黑色專用擴香罐一個、天然火山岩擴香石 150g +- 10g (大約六至七粒) 可配搭香薰精油購買 The Volcanic Stone Diffuser is a natural and effective way to diffuse essential oils. The volcanic stones are porous and absorb the essential oil, releasing it slowly into the air. This creates a gentle and relaxing atmosphere. The Volcanic Stone Diffuser is easy to use. Simply add a few drops of essential oil to the stones. The Volcanic Stone Diffuser is also very safe. The stones are made from natural materials and do not produce any harmful fumes. The Volcanic Stone Diffuser is a great way to add a touch of luxury to your home. It is perfect for use in bedrooms, living rooms, offices, and spas. The diffuser is also a great gift for friends and family. Here are some of the features of the Volcanic Stone: * Made from natural volcanic stones * Safe and effective way to diffuse essential oils * Easy to use * Perfect for use in any room of the home * A great gift for friends and family

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